BAVC Media statement in support of a ceasefire in Gaza

Published On: November 23, 2023 |

BAVC Media is a pluralistic organization that exists to support independent media makers who have often been marginalized as storytellers, working professionals, and citizens who deserve equal and fair treatment and opportunity. We exist to advance social justice by serving media makers – through their craft, courage, bridge-building, risk-taking, and personal sacrifice.

With this commitment, we write to express BAVC Media’s support of a ceasefire to create free passage of humanitarian aid, an end to the deadly violence and the dehumanization of innocent lives in Gaza and Israel, and the release of all hostages. We seek an end to the displacement and oppression of Palestinians, and stand against anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim hate in all forms, everywhere.

BAVC Media advocates for media literacy. Not only do we train media makers to develop their projects and careers, but we help our students learn about media literacy and what it means to participate as digital citizens in a democracy. Here’s a good media literacy refresher from the Association for Media literacy. Critical dialogue depends on truth.

We are grateful to leaders in the media and film community who advance peace by providing gateways for audiences of all backgrounds to broaden their knowledge, empathy, and agency to create positive change.

Please note that BAVC Media operates as a collective of perspectives and backgrounds. As such, many of our staff and Board’s individual perspectives are nuanced, and in some cases, calling for radical action. In the spirit of mutual respect, dialogue and transparency, we aim to share our common ground with you.